


Wednesday, 29 October 2014

எந்திரன் வசூலை கத்தி மிஞ்சுமா...?

கத்தி படத்திற்கான வரவேற்பு நாளுக்கு நாள் அதிகரித்துக் கொண்டே போவதாக திரையரங்க வட்டாரங்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன. இந்த ஆண்டில் இதுவரை வெளிவந்த படங்களில் மிகப் பெரிய நட்சத்திரங்கள் நடித்த படங்கள் இந்த அளவிற்கு வசூலை அள்ளித் தரவில்லை என்றும் சொல்கிறார்கள். ஒரு சில சிறிய படங்கள் மட்டுமே வெற்றிகரமாக ஓடிய நிலையில் கத்தி படத்தின் ஓட்டம் வசூல் ரீதியாக புதிய சாதனைகளைப் புரிந்து வருகிறதாம். விஜய் இதுவரை நடித்த படங்களிலேயே துப்பாக்கி படம்தான் அதிக அளவில் வசூலைக் குவித்த படமாக இருந்தது. ஆனால், அந்தப் படத்தின் வசூலை கத்தி ஒரு வாரத்திற்குள்ளாகவே முறியடித்துவிட்டதாகச் சொல்கிறார்கள்.தமிழ்நாட்டில் மட்டுமல்லாது வெளிநாடுகளிலும் கத்தி படத்தின் வசூல் எந்திரன் வசூலை மிஞ்சவும் வாய்ப்புள்ளதாம். கடந்த ஒரு வாரத்திற்குள்ளாக கத்தி படம் தமிழ்நாட்டில் மட்டும் சுமார் 50 கோடிகளையும், வெளிநாடுகளில் 24 கோடிகளையும் வசூல் செய்துள்ளதாம். தமிழ்நாட்டிலும், கேரளா, கர்நாடகா மாநிலங்களிலும் படத்திற்கு விஜய் ரசிகர்களைத் தவிர மற்றவர்களும் குடும்பம் குடும்பமாக வந்து படம் பார்க்கிறார்கள் என தியேட்டர்காரர்கள் சொல்கிறார்கள். இப்படி குடும்பத்து ரசிகர்களைப் பார்த்து நீண்ட நாட்களாயிற்று, படத்தில் துளி கூட ஆபாசம் இல்லாததும், நல்ல கதையம்சம் கொண்ட படமாக இருப்பதும்தான் இந்தப் படத்திற்கு இவ்வளவு ரசிகர்கள் வரக் காரணமாக இருக்கிறது என்றும் சொல்கிறார்கள். ஆக, ரசிகர்கள் நல்ல கதைகளைக் கொண்ட படங்களை வரவேற்பார்கள் என்பதை இந்தப் படத்தின் வெற்றி மீண்டும் நிரூபித்துள்ளது.

ஸ்ருதிஹாசன் கொடுத்த அதிர்ச்சி...

தமிழிலும், தெலுங்கிலும் முன்னணியில் இருக்கும் நடிகைகளை விரல் விட்டு எண்ணி விடலாம். இப்போதுள்ள நடிகைகள் பலரும் தமிழ், தெலுங்கு ஆகிய இரு மொழிகளிலும் சரி சமமான புகழில் இருந்து வருகிறார்கள். நயன்தாரா, அனுஷ்கா, ஸ்ருதிஹாசன், சமந்தா, காஜல் அகர்வால், தமன்னா, த்ரிஷா ஆகியோர் தமிழிலும், தெலுங்கிலும் புகழ் பெற்றவர்களாகவே இருக்கிறார்கள். இப்போது இவர்களுக்கிடையேதான் பலத்த போட்டி இருந்து வருகிறது. பெரிய ஹீரோக்களுடன் நடிப்பதில்தான் இவர்களுக்குள் அதிகமான போட்டி இருக்கிறது. அதிலும் ஒரு படம் ஹிட்டானவுடனே சம்பளத்தையும் ஏற்றி விடுகிறார்களாம். தொடர்ந்து வெற்றியைக் கொடுக்கும் ஹீரோயின்களுக்கு தயாரிப்பாளர்களும் ராசியானவர் என்று சொல்லி அவர்கள் கேட்கும் சம்பளத்தையும் கொடுத்து விடுகிறார்கள்.தெலுங்கில் கிளாமராகவும், ராசியான நடிகையாகவும் இருந்து வருபவர் ஸ்ருதிஹாசன். இவர் நடித்த படங்கள் தொடர்ந்து வெற்றி பெற்று வருகிறது. தமிழில் விஜய் நடிக்க உள்ள புதிய படத்தை மட்டுமே கைவசம் வைத்திருக்கிறார் ஸ்ருதி. தெலுங்கில் மகேஷ்பாபுவுடன் ஜோடியாக நடிக்க ஸ்ருதிஹாசனை அணுகியிருக்கிறார்கள். அவர் ஒண்ணேகால் கோடி ரூபாய் சம்பளமாக வேண்டும் என்று சொன்னாராம். முதலில் அதிர்ச்சியடைந்த தயாரிப்பாளர்கள், அதன் பின் அவர் கேட்ட தொகைக்கு சம்மதம் சொன்னார்களாம். இதுதான் ஸ்ருதிஹாசனின் இதுவரையிலான அதிக சம்பளம் என டோலிவுட் வட்டாரமே ஆச்சரியத்தில் மூழ்கியுள்ளதாம். ஸ்ருதியின் சம்பள விவகாரத்தைக் கேட்ட மற்ற போட்டியாளர்களுக்கு வெறும் அதிர்ச்சி மட்டுமல்ல பேரதிர்ச்சியே ஏற்பட்டுவிட்டதாம். 

மலையாளத் திரையுலகை மிரட்டிய 'கத்தி' வசூல்...

மலையாளத் திரையுலகம் கடந்த சில வாரங்களாகவே கடுமையான சோதனையை சந்தித்து வருவதாகத் தெரிவிக்கிறார்கள். தொடர்ந்து மற்ற மொழிகளிலிருந்து வெளியாகும் படங்கள் கேரளாவில் உள்ள அனைத்து தியேட்டர்களையும் ஆக்கிரமித்துக் கொள்வதால் நேரடி மலையாளப் படங்கள் வெளியாவது சிக்கலாக உள்ளதாம். தமிழிலிருந்து 'கத்தி', ஹிந்தியிலிருந்து 'ஹேப்பி நியூ இயர்' ஆகிய படங்கள் கடந்த வாரம் முதல் பெரும்பாலான திரையரங்குகளில் வெளியாக கேரள ரசிகர்களின் வரவேற்புடன் இரண்டாவது வாரத்திலும் அடியெடுத்து வைத்துள்ளது.குறிப்பாக 'கத்தி' திரைப்படத்தின் வசூல் இதுவரை வெளியான நேரடி மலையாளப் படங்களையே மிஞ்சி விடும் என்கிறார்கள். படத்தின் வசூல் மட்டும் அவர்களை கவலையடைச் செய்யவில்லையாம். ஒரு தமிழ் நடிகருக்கு கேரளாவில் இந்த அளவிற்கு வரவேற்பு எப்படி ஏற்பட்டது என்பதை ஆச்சரியத்துடன் பேசி வருகிறார்களாம். 'கத்தி' படம் வெளியான தியேட்டர்களில் கட் அவுட்டுகள், பிரம்மாண்ட போஸ்டர்கள், ஆட்டம் பாட்டம் கொண்டாட்டம் என மலையாள சூப்பர் ஸ்டார்களான மம்முட்டி, மோகன்லாலுக்கு இணையான பேரும் புகழும் எப்படி வந்தது என்பதுதான் பேச்சாக இருக்கிறதாம். 'கத்தி' படத்தின் கதை கேரள ரசிகர்களுக்கு மிகவும் நெருக்கமான ஒரு உணர்வை ஏற்படுத்தி இருக்கிறது என்கிறார்கள். 
'கத்தி' கொண்டாட்டத்தில் ஒரு ரசிகர் மரணடைந்ததும், அதற்கு கேரளாவில் உள்ள மற்ற ரசிகர்களும், விஜய்யும் நிதி உதவி வழங்கியிருப்பதும் கூட அவர்களை ஆச்சரியப்படுத்தியுள்ளது என்கிறார்கள். விஜய்க்குக் கிடைத்துள்ள இந்த வரவேற்பு சில மலையாள நடிகர்களுக்கு எரிச்சலைக் கூட ஏற்படுத்தியிருக்கும் என்கிறார்கள். இனி வரும் காலங்களில் தமிழ்ப் படங்கள் வெளியாகும் அதே நாட்களில் கேரளாவிலும் வெளியாவதை மலையாளத் திரையுலகினில் தடுத்தாலும் ஆச்சரியமில்லை என்கிறார்கள். அடுத்து 'ஐ, லிங்கா, உத்தம வில்லன்' போன்ற படங்களின் வருகை மேலும் பாதிப்பை ஏற்படுத்தும் என்கிற அச்சமே இதற்குக் காரணமாம்...

சர்வதேச திரைப்பட விழாவில் மெட்ராஸ் திரைப்படம்

ஒவ்வொரு வாரமும் குறைந்தது நான்கு படங்களாவது வெளியாகிக் கொண்டிருக்கின்றன. அவற்றில் ரசிகர்களுக்குப் பிடித்த படங்கள் விமர்சகர்களுக்குப் பிடிப்பதில்லை. விமர்சகர்களுக்குப் பிடித்த படங்களை ரசிகர்கள் விரும்புவது இல்லை. ரசிகர்களையும், விமர்சகர்களையும், நல்ல சினிமாவை விரும்புகிறவர்களையும் ஒருசேர திருப்திப்படுதும் படங்கள் அபூர்வம். 
அண்மையில் வெளியான படங்களில் இப்படி அனைத்து தரப்பினரையும் மகிழ வைத்த படம் மெட்ராஸ். 
சென்னை வாழ் விளிம்புநிலை மக்களின் வாழ்வியலை பதிவு செய்த மெட்ராஸ் படம், சமீபத்தில் வெளியாகி ரசிகர்களிடம் பெரிய வரவேற்பையும், விமர்சகர்களிடம் பாராட்டுக்களையும் அள்ளிக்குவித்தது. 
முந்தைய படங்களின் தொடர் தோல்வி காரணமாக துவண்டு போயிருந்த கார்த்திக்கு மெட்ராஸ் திரைப்படத்தின் வெற்றி புதிய தெம்பைக் கொடுத்தது. 
அதுமட்டுமல்ல, மெட்ராஸ் படத்தைப் பார்த்த சூர்யா அப்படத்தின் இயக்குநர் பா.ரஞ்சித்தை அழைத்து தனக்கு கதை தயார் செய்யும்படி கூறியதோடு, கால்ஷீட் தரவும் சம்மதித்துள்ளார். 
இந்நிலையில், மெட்ராஸ் படத்துக்கு தற்போது புதிய கௌரவம் கிடைத்திருக்கிறது. 
அட்டகத்தி ரஞ்சித் இயக்கத்தில் கார்த்தி நடித்த இப்படம் கொல்கத்தாவில் நடைபெறவிருக்கும் சர்வதேச திரைப்பட விழாவில் பங்கு பெறவிருக்கிறது. 
வரும் நவம்பர் 11ஆம் தேதி முதல் 18ஆம் தேதி வரை இந்த திரைப்பட விழா நடைபெறவிருக்கிறது 

டிசம்பர் மாதம் 25ஆம் தேதி வருகிறது கயல்

மைனா, கும்கி வெற்றிப்படங்களைத் தொடர்ந்து புதுமுகங்களை வைத்து கயல் என்ற படத்தை இயக்கி வருகிறார் பிரபுசாலமான். இப்படத்தில் கதாநாயகியாக ஆனந்தி நடிக்கிறார். இவர் பொறியாளன் படத்தில் கதாநாயகியாக நடித்தவர். ஆனால், அவர் முதலில் நடிக்க ஒப்பந்தமானது பிரபுசாலமன் படத்தில்தான். 
ஆனந்திக்கு ஜோடியாக சந்திரன் என்ற புதுமுக நடிகர் நடிக்கிறார். 
கயல் படத்துக்கும் பிரபுசாலமனின் ஆஸ்தான இசையமைப்பாளர் டி.இமான்தான் இசை. 
இமானின் இசையில் உருவான பாடல்கள் விரைவில் வெளிவரவிருக்கிறது. 
பட பணிகள் நிறைவடைந்ததை அடுத்து நவம்பர் கடைசிவாரத்தில் கயல் படத்தை வெளியிட விரும்பினார் தயாரிப்பாளர் எஸ்கேப் ஆர்ட்டிஸ்ட் மதன். 
பிரபுசாலமனோ கயல் படத்தை டிசம்பர் மாதம் 25ஆம் தேதிதான் வெளியிட வேண்டும் என்கிறாராம். 
25 ஆம் தேதி வியாழக்கிழமை என்பதால் படத்துக்கு ஓப்பனிங் இருக்காது என்பது தயாரிப்பாளரின் அச்சம். 
பிரபுசாலமனோ டிசம்பர் மாதம் 25ஆம் தேதி கிருஸ்துமஸ் என்பதால் அன்றுதான் வெளியிட வேண்டும். இயேசு நிச்சயம் படத்தை வெற்றியடைய வைப்பார் என்கிறாராம் 
எனவே, கயல் படத்தை வரும் டிசம்பர் மாதம் 25ஆம் தேதி வெளியிட முடிவு செய்துவிட்டாராம் தயாரிப்பாளர். 
கும்கியில் யானையை மையமாக வைத்து படமாக்கிய அவர், இந்த கயல் படத்தில் சுனாமியை மையமாக வைத்து திரைக்கதை அமைத்திருக்கிறாராம். 

Saturday, 6 September 2014


Kaththi's music is all set to be launched on September 18, now the latest is that EROS music has snapped the audio rights of the film for a whooping price of 3 crores say the sources. Though the figures are yet to be officially confirmed, the buzz in audio market says that Kaththi's audio rights is the biggest among recent Tamil films.
It has to be remembered that Soundarya Rajinikanth has joined EROS team recently and now for the first time EROS music has entered into Tamil film music. Kaththi has Vijay, Samantha, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Sathish and many to its star cast.
Directed by AR Murugadoss, the film has music by Anirudh.


As we informed earlier Hollywood Superstar Arnold will be releasing the audio of Ai.Now the latest is that, a video featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger has been released by Sony music in which Arnold has confirmed his presence for the audio launch of Ai.
Arnold has said "Ai is a spectacular movie with a lot of visual effects and I will be coming to India to celebrate the grand audio launch of Ai". Arnold also congratulated Shankar and called him as a great director.
Arnold added "Ai's audio launch will be a spectacular event and I will be there for the grand celebration". Arnold ended his speech with his typical Terminator-2 dialogue "Hasta la vista, baby".
Ai's audio launch will be happening on September 15th at Nehru Indoor stadium, Chennai. Other than Arnold, many top stars from Kerala, Andhra and Bollywood are likely to attend the function, the confirmed list will be out soon.


The wait is over, finally Studio Green has officially announced that Karthi's Madras will be releasing on September 26. The audio of Madras got launched on 23rd of June and now the team has announced the release date.
Directed by Pa Ranjith of Attakathi fame, Madras has Karthi and Cathriene Tresa in lead roles. Madras has music by Santosh Narayanan and the songs are big hit, also the trailer of the film got good response from general public and critics.
Touted to be a film based on North Madras, the film has created a good expectations in trade circle.

Finding Fanny to premiere in Korea

Director Homi Adajania's Finding Fanny is all set to have a Korean premiere at Busan International Film Festival. An off-the-wall story about five oddballs who venture out to find Stefanie Fernandes (Fanny) and discover love in the process, the film stars Naseeruddin Shah, Dimple Kapadia, Pankaj Kapur, Arjun Kapoor and Deepika Padukone.
Says Homi, "Last year, the festival had over a two-hundred-thousand strong audience from all over the world to watch the chosen films. It feels good that Finding Fanny has been invited there." Adds Deepika, who essays the role of Angie, "This is considered within the top 10 festivals in the world and I'm glad that our film will reach a varied international audience." Meanwhile, Arjun, who plays the character of Savio, says, "It's a moment of pride that a prestigious film festival like Busan has given us such recognition."

Akhil undergoes makeover for his debut film

Vinod Khanna's nephew, AkhilKapur, who makes his debut with Anand Kumar-directed DesiKattey, had to undergo a makeover to suit the role of a gangster.

"Earlier, I was muscular and had a broader frame. Since I play a small-town guy, I couldn't look like someone who does the bench press everyday. So I had to drop 10 kilos," he shares. The actor even had to grow his hair long and sport a rugged look.

Brett Lee in a Bollywood film

Brett Lee, former Australian fast bowler, will star in a Bollywood film, UNINDIAN, which is to be shot in Sydney.
Starring opposite Lee in the romantic comedy is Tannishtha Chatterjee. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who was in Mumbai on Thursday, made the announcement. The film is set to go into production in October and is the first from the Australia India Film Fund, established in 2013 to invest in Australian films with Indian themes for a global audience.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s comeback film copy of a Korean film

Sanjay Gupta's 'Jazbaa' has been making news for several reasons. Not only is it Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's comeback film and will see an unusual cast but also if reports are to be believed it is said to be a copy of a South Korean film.

A DNA report says that in an interview to a tabloid, Gupta revealed the plot of the film where Aishwarya will play a lawyer, Irrfan Khan a suspended cop and John Abraham will do an important cameo. The report adds that the plot of Jazbaa is similar to a South Korean crime thriller titled Seven Days. While Gupta has admitted that he has purchased the remake rights of a film, he has refused to name the original movie.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014


It is known that both Vishal and Vishnu Vishal are good friends. Now the latest is that Vishal's FVishal Film Factory has bought the rights of Vishnu's upcoming film Jeeva which is being directed by Suseenthiran of Vennila Kabbadi Kuzhu, Naan Mahan Alla and Pandianadu fame.
Jeeva has Vishnu Vishal, Sri Divya and many to its star cast, touted to be a film based on cricket Imman has composed all the songs. Vishal Film Factory will be soon announcing the release date and other plans.
Stay tuned for more updates...


Trisha is super excited for the response which she is getting for Thala55. Trisha tweeted "Also overwhelmed wit d response iv been gtin for my first look from Thala55.Thank u G...".
Recently Gautham Menon said "Without Trisha, Thala 55 is not possible because her character is a crucial factor in the film". Gautham Menon also maintaining the suspense about Trisha's character.
Gautham Menon always known for portraying women in the most dignified manner and we hope the magic continues with Thala55 as well.


Few days before, we reported you that a bomb threat was issued to Ajith's house and later it was found to be a hoax call. Now the latest is that Police has arrested the caller who issued bomb threat to Ajith's house and investigations are going on. The rest of the details are yet to be known from the concerned sources.
Ajith's house is located at ECR and on 29th midnight some unknown person called 108 emergency and issued the bomb threat. Later, police checked the place thoroughly and found it to be a hoax call.


Yesterday, we reported you that Vijay has sung the love Kuthu number 'Let's take a SelfiePulla' written by Madhan Karky for Kaththi. Now the latest buzz is that the team will be flying to London to shoot this song.
It is said that Vijay has completed the entire song recording process within 3 hours and all are super impressed with his style of singing. Mean time Kaththi's audio launch is likely to happen on September 18th at Chennai.
Kaththi has Vijay, Samantha, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Sathish and many to its star cast. Directed by AR Murugadoss, the film has music by Anirudh and the team is planning to release the film for Diwali.


Yesterday, Vijay Sethupathi's Vanmham audio launched at a FM studio and the team met the media. Speaking at the function, Vijay Sethupathi said that he doesn't have heroine in Vanmham and he plays a raw -straight forward role in the film.
"The director of Vanmham struggled in the industry for more than 25 years and we really worked with positive energy to make sure that Vanmham gives him a much needed break" said Vijay Sethupathi in the function.
When a reporter asked about Pannaiyarum Padminiyum's failure at the box office, Vijay Sethupathi said "Pannaiyarum Padminiyum is not a failure film , till date I have acted in 7 films and among them, Pannaiyarum Padminiyum is my most favorite film".
Vijay Sethupathi also denied the fact that Pannaiyarum Padminiyum's failure diminished his market in Kollywood.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Hema Malini has no time for herself

Her responsibilities as an actress, homemaker and politician have been keeping Hema Malini quite busy and she hardly has any time left for herself.
The 65-year-old veteran actress, who is the BJP MP from Mathura, says she has been juggling work and her household duties. "There are different facets to my life and all are equally important. I continue to be an artiste, I have my duties as an MP, I have my house to run. I find I hardly have time for myself!

Not just Priyanka Chopra, Kriti Sanon too has a shoe fetish

It's not just Priyanka Chopra who has a shoe fetish in Bollywood. Heropanti actress Kriti Sanon also has a fascination for shoes. She loves wearing unusual shoes and boasts of a wide collection.

Even at events, we have seen the stylish actor sporting different kinds of shoes in very unusual but chic styles.

Girish Kumar gives nod to second film

Girish Kumar, who made his Bollywood debut with 'Ramaiya Vastavaiya' in 2013, has now given a nod to his second film, reveals his father and film producer Kumar Taurani. "Girish has been reading many scripts for a while now, but we didn't find anything interesting. Now finally we have come across a very good script and we will soon make an announcement in the next 15 days. Girish will start shooting for the same soon," Taurani told IANS.

He refused to reveal any details about the project.

'Ramaiya Vastavaiya', directed by Prabhudheva, saw Girish share screen space with Shruti Haasan.


Vijay's Kaththi is progressing at a brisk pace and the team is also simultaneously editing the film. Today AR Murugadoss has updated that the first half of the film is completely done, while the the major portions of the second half is also completed.
Sources say that the remaining portions of the film will be completed by this week and then they will shoot couple of songs in abroad, most probably in Europe.
Mean time, Kaththi's audio rights is yet to be sold and an official confirmation regarding the audio rights deal will be announced soon. Kaththi team is planning to launch the audio on September 18th along with the teaser of the film.
Kaththi is slated for Diwali release.


The whole world and celebrities are actively participating in ALS ice bucket challenge and people in India have started 'Rice Bucket' challenge to help poor people. Now the latest is that famous Malayalam actor Mammootty has kick started 'My Tree Challenge' and requested all his Malayalam film industry friends to take part in the challenge, the actor has also challenged Vijay, Suriya and Shahrukh Khan to take part in this 'My Tree Challenge'.
Here is Mammotty's status update on 'My Tree Challenge'...

Trees are vital for the existence of a greener Earth. In this time of urbanization a simple act of rooting an indigenous tree will repay the environment in many ways from filtering air contamination to decreasing soil erosion, creating shade helping recycle water and building of an eco system with birds and other life forms around it.

As you all know ALS Ice bucket Challenge is being viral Online and Offline media. I proudly kick start a novel concept called "My Tree challenge". I request all my friends from the Malayalam Film Industry and all Facebook friends to join in for the good cause and make this world a greener place to live in. I challenge Shah Rukh Khan from Bollywood, Vijay and Surya from Tamil Film Industry to plant a sapling and join this Eco revolution.

"My Tree Challenge" is not just a slogan to speak or to listen, it is a motto which should be followed by all so as to save our nature for ourselves and our upcoming generation. Hence, it is also a great opportunity for people who have always wanted to be 'a part of a healthy environment'.

So make some efforts of your own and join "My Tree Challenge" by offering your time to plant and preserve trees whenever and wherever possible. Inspire your family, friends and neighbours to save resources too. Let's be a model to the children in respecting our nature and environment.

Our world is precious and we are meant to keep it that way.

Also, remember to like and mention the page( and use #MyTreeChallenge tag when you upload your "My Tree" photo.

Saturday, 30 August 2014


Today some unknown person has called and informed there is a bomb in Ajith's house at ECR. Following the call, bomb squad checked the entire house today but the phone call seems to a hoax and reportedly, the bomb squad didn't find anything in the house.
This bomb threat has created a tension at ECR and the bomb squad people reached the house at 4 AM. Sources say that a mysterious person called 108 emergency section and issued a bomb threat at Ajith's house.
Hope people stop such cheap hoax calls and create unnecessary trouble to celebrities.  Currently, Ajith is busy with his 55th film which is bein directed by Gautham Menon.

120 அடி உயர மாடியில் உயிரை பணயம் வைத்து நடித்த அஜித்!

அஜித் என்றாலே தன் படங்களில் சண்டைக்காட்சிகளில் டூப் இல்லாமல் நடிப்பார் என்று தெரியும். தற்போது கௌதம் மேனன் இயக்கத்தில் நடித்து வருகிறார்.

இப்படத்தில் கார், பைக் என சண்டைக்காட்சிகளில் பட்டையை கிளப்பியிருக்கிறார், மேலும் இப்படத்தில் 120 அடி உயர பில்டிங்கில் இறங்குவது போல் ஒரு காட்சி உள்ளதாம்.

இதில் டூப் இல்லாமல் அவரே நடித்து படக்குழுவை அதிர்ச்சியில் மற்றும் ஆச்சரியத்தில் ஆழ்த்தினாராம்.


The shooting for Papanasam, the remake of Drishyam starring Kamal Hassan is progressing at a decent pace. While Kamal is busy in front of the camera, his friend Ramesh Aravind has got his hands full with the post production works for Uttama Villain.
Thirrupathi Brothers, the producers of the film are now eyeing Kamal Hassan's birthday (7th of November, Friday) for the release of the film. It is heard that they have even proposed the idea to Kamal and he seems to have agreed upon it.
It is to be noted that Aascar Ravichandran, the producer of Vishwaroopam 2 is also looking for the same date to release the film, 2 weeks post Ai's release. The film's VFX works are underway and it will be ready to hit the screens in the month of November. Time will tell if we will have two Kamal films clashing at the Box Office on the same date. When was the last time that happened?


Mumbai, 29th August 2014: Eros International Media Ltd (“Eros”), a leading global company in the Indian film entertainment industry announced today the appointment of Soundarya A Rajinikanth Director Creative & Strategy for Eros and head of the company’s digital initiatives including ErosNow in south India. In her dual role, Soundarya will be spearheading Eros Digital across all the new media platforms including ErosNow, it’s on demand entertainment portal and lend her creative expertise to the company’s filmed content.
 Welcoming Soundarya A Rajinikanth to Eros, Jyoti Deshpande, Group CEO - Eros International Media Ltd said, “We are delighted to welcome Soundarya to the leadership team at Eros. We are in an exciting phase in the company with significant progress in the digital space including ErosNow, mobile, DTH, IPTV and broadband. Soundarya’s experience in the digital domain makes her an ideal candidate to spearhead Eros’ digital strategy and make strategic inroads in South India”.
Speaking on her appointment, Soundarya said, “I am very happy to get involved and be a part of the digital and creative processes at Eros.  Eros is an established global player with the advantage of a large content library and a vision to make quality content for the future. With a fantastic film slate lined up and such exciting digital opportunities, I am looking forward to bringing on board my experience with technology and creative inputs. With the growing south industry, its rich catalogue of content and a captive audience base, we are confident of driving further growth and making our presence felt strongly”.
Along with her new role at Eros, Soundarya will continue with her passion of directing films. She is presently scripting her next venture, to be produced by Eros.
About Eros International Media Ltd (Eros International)
Eros International Media Ltd. (BSE Script Code: 533261; NSE Script Code: EROSMEDIA) is a leading global company in the Indian film entertainment industry that acquires, co-produces and distributes Indian films across all available formats such as cinema, television and digital new media. Eros International is part of Eros International Plc, which became the first Indian media Company to raise capital and be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Eros International has experience of over three decades in establishing a global platform for Indian cinema. The Company has a competitive advantage through its extensive and growing movie library comprising of over 1,100 films, which include Hindi, Tamil, and other regional language films for home entertainment distribution. Eros International has built a dynamic business model by combining the release of new films every year with the exploitation of its film library. For further information please visit:
About ErosNow
ErosNow is the company’s on-demand entertainment portal accessible anytime, anywhere on nearly any Internet-connected screen. The ErosNow platform currently offers users thousands of new and catalogue movies from Eros as well as other major Bollywood studios, a large selection of premium television content syndicated from major TV studios as well as thousands of music videos and audio tracks. Members have several options to consume content including through monthly subscriptions, download to rent and download to own – all without advertisements. ErosNow will continue to expand its content to include the company’s full film library, as well as further third party content. For further information please visit:


Another problem beckons Kaththi. Recently, a writer named Minjur Gopi has filed a case on the film, stating that the story is a stolen one. He has filed a petition at the Chennai High Court in this regard. Here is a viewpoint on the case, from Gopi's perspective.
Few years ago, a multinational company had acquired the lands of the innocent people in Gopi's town, selling it at throwaway prices. At that point of time, Gopi recorded a few interesting incidents taking place in his town and wroted a story called 'Mootha Kudi'. On completing the story, Gopi narrated it in a time gap of three hours to a producer named Vishwas Sundar. This took place in the company of a mutual friend named Jegan. After Vishwas Sundar took a decision to not do the film, Gopi was in a gutted state. However, Jegan who liked the story put Gopi in touch with AR.Murugadoss.
On hearing the story from Gopi, AR.Murugadoss was seemingly impressed. The director suggested some slight changes to the script, and finally telling Gopi to change it into a double hero subject. It is heard that AR Murugadoss has also agreed to produce the film with Gopi as the director. As the betterment process of the story started taking place, AR Murugadoss reportedly called off the project saying that he cannot produce the film.
Few months later. the news that Kaththi had taken off with Gopi's story shocked the writer. In turn, the writer has now filed a complaint stating that actions have to be taken against the director and Jegan, also a judgement has to be given on the story, whether it is his own 'Mootha Kudi' or an original one coined by AR.Murugadoss.
Therefore, it is now ordered that Kaththi's story and Minsur Gopi's book, both have to be submitted to the advocate general. Both the scripts will be read and analyzed, and only then a call will be taken.
To add to the confusions, there has been a turn of events where a response has been sent in regard to the complaint. It states that Gopi has not even met AR.Murugadoss until now, and there has been no discussion between them in the past. Moreover, if the story of Kaththi is brought out, it will lead to a fall in the collections for the film, is what the report states. The doubts linger around as this has added the fuel to the fire in the ongoing conflicts for Kaththi.


On this auspicious Vinayaga Chaturthi day, Dhanush has announced his next production venture. Yes, his Wunderbar films will be producing 'Naanum Rowdy Dhaan' which is to be directed by Vignesh Sivan of Poda Podi fame.
Interesting thing about 'Nanum Rowdy Dhaan' is that for the first time Vijay Sethupathi and Nayanthara will be acting together in this new film. Also, for the first time Anirudh will be composing for a Vijay Sethupathi movie.
Naanum Rowdy Dhaan will have cinematography by George C Williams of Kaththi and Raja Rani fame.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014


Nearly after 6 years, Harris is composing music for Gautham Menon's film and also for the first time he is composing music for an Ajith film, needless to say that the project is Thala55.
After completing two songs, now Harris has started composing for the third song in Thala 55. Thala 55 team has recently shot the flashback portions with Ajith, Trisha and Arun Vijay, now sources say that the first look will be out on Vinayagar Chaturthi day ie., on August 29.
Produced by AM Ratnam, Thala 55 is likely to be Pongal 2015 release.


Dhanush's Anegan is nearing completion and now the actor has started dubbing for the film. Directed by KV Anand, Anegan's shooting will be completed by next month and the film is slated for  October release.
Anegan has Dhanush, Amyra Dastur, Karthik, Jagan and many to its star cast. Produced by AGS, the film has music by Harris Jayaraj and cinematography by Omprakash.
Stay tuned for more updates...


Rajini is currently shooting for Lingaa at Karnataka, recently the actor made a surprise visit to Kollur Mookambika temple and offered his prayers. The actor came to know about the sacred place and made sure that he use the free time by visiting the temple.
Temple authorities have arranged a special darshan for Rajinikanth and the actor seems to be really happy with the warm reception by the temple management.
Lingaa is slated for December 12, 2014 release.


Geetha selvaraghavan to direct selvaraghavan\'s maalainerathu mayakkam
Now this is a surprising news, Selvaraghavan, the maverick filmmaker has decided to spend is quality time with his kids and has handed over the script 'Maalainerathu mayakkam' to his wife Geethanjali Selvaraghavan who is currently directing it.
Geethanjali Selvaraghavan says that she is respecting Selvaraghavan's decision to spend his time with kids but as a fan she is expecting Selva to back to direction soon.
Mean time Selvaraghavan has wished Geethanjali on her directorial debut and said that he feels proud of her. Cinemalead wishing Geethanjali. a great success on her new venture and also requesting Selvaraghavan to back to direct some epic films. 


Sources in K-town say that recently Aishwarya Rajinikanth screened the rushes of her new film 'Vai Raja Vai' to Superstar Rajinikanth and Superstar seems to be impressed with her directing skills.
The latest buzz in media circle is that, Rajinikanth's next film will be directed by Aishwarya and Rajinikanth is likely to give his nod for the director who is known for her critically acclaimed '3'.
We also heard that Rajini will not do Endhiran-2 after Lingaa and opts for an entertainer which might be directed by Aishwarya. Though there is no official confirmation on this buzz, this is the trending topic in media circle now.


Kaththi audio  is all set to be launched on September18 at a grand event in Chennai. The team is planning to make the occasion special and we also hear that the producers will meet the media before the audio launch to clear the rumors over the film. As just 20 days are left for the audio launch, now the team will be working 24*7 to make sure the complete the album with extra care.
Recently Anirudh has updated that Kaththi audio is coming out very well and he will be soon recording Vijay for a song. Also, Madhan Karky has recently written a  folk song for the film and he has also written a peppy song earlier.
Stay tuned for more updates...

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Kochi girl Prayaga in Mysskin’s Pisasu

Kochi girl Prayaga in Mysskin’s Pisasu
Director Mysskin is busy with his next film Pisasu. The female title role in his movie is being played by a model-turned-actress from Kochi called Prayaga Martin. Sources say the film's shooting is progressing at a brisk pace in the city and that the crew has wrapped up two schedules as of now.

"Pisasu is a paranormal thriller and the director wanted a fresh face as the female protagonist. Prayaga was spotted by the crew on a jewellery ad, post which she was roped in to play the character," says a source. Prayaga, who is currently pursuing her first-year graduation at St Teresa's College, is also a disciple of dancer Kalamandalam Kshemavati. The film, produced by filmmaker Bala, is expected to hit screens by the end of this year.

Aindhaam Thalaimurai Siddha Vaidhiya Sigamani--- Movie review

Cast: Bharath, Nandita, Thambi Ramaiah, Karunakaran, Renuka, Badava Gopi
Direction: LG Ravichandran
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
Synopsis: An uneducated and naive young man from a family of Siddha doctors wants to marry an educated woman so that he won't be cheated in life. He marries a girl lying that he is a doctor but the girl has her own secrets...

Movie Review: Just when the last few weeks, with movies like Jigarthanda, Kadhai Thirakkadhai Vasanam Iyakkam and Sathuranka Vettai, seemed to signal that Tamil cinema is taking some steps in the right direction, here comes Aindhaam Thalaimurai Siddha Vaidhya Sigamani (ATSVS) to dash any such hopes and prove that it will always remain a case of one step forward two steps backward for our industry.

The hero, Sigamani ( Bharath, who couldn't have chosen a worse endeavour for his 25th film), not only lacks education but also lacks common sense. We are asked to believe that he is so good hearted that even when he realizes that his 'friends' are cheating him, he'll let them carry on with it. Even his concept of romance is plain ridiculous. He goes to a college, drops a peacock feather in front of the gate and starts 'loving' the girl who picks it up. And, the girl's family is even worse. Her dad (an over-the-top Thambi Ramaiah) decides that Sigamani is an MBBS doctor just because someone asked for a doctor on his mobile! As for the heroine ( Nandita, acting coy for the nth time), she will even go to the extent of consuming poison when accused of infidelity rather than come out with the reason behind her secret visit to a man's house.

ATSVS is a film so dated that by the interval the reek of staleness is so strong that we start looking at the ticket to see if there was an expiry date mentioned. Even proven comedians like Thambi Ramaiah and Karunakaran (among more than a dozen comedy actors who populate the film), for all their spirited attempts, cannot lift it beyond a few half-laughs. The quasi message-oriented plot that wants to stress on the need for education is now very much obsolete (at least Kunguma Pottu Gounder, which seemed dated even for 2001, had earnestness in its core) but still, given that it is billed as a comedy, you expect it to be somewhat entertaining. Films like Naane Raja Naane Manthiri and Rasukutty, which also featured an uneducated hero, managed that. But here, scene after scene is not only predictable but also unfunny, illogical and even offensive (to not just general practitioners of any form of medicine but also to any thinking individual) that it makes those over 20 years old films feel fresh. The only amusing thing here is the title, which comes across as something that Chimbudevan might come up with for a quirky comedy. 

Mardaani Movie review

Cast: Rani Mukerji, Tahir Raj Bhasin
Direction: Pradeep Sarkar
Genre: Thriller
Duration: 2 hours 33 minutes
Story: A braveheart lady inspector from the crime branch stumbles on a sex-trafficking racket. Does she succeed in bringing the culprits to book?

Review: It's raining fearless cops on the Bollywood marquee. Last week, it was Singham, who, in his khakis, returned to take the pants off corrupt politicians and god-men. And this week, it is Lady Singham or Shivani Shivaji Roy (Rani Mukerji), looking dapper, albeit briefly, in a police inspector's uniform, who wreaks havoc in Pradeep Sarkar's Mardaani.

The film claims to be inspired by true events. However, for cinema-buffs, it's easier to trace the inspiration to several Hollywood thrillers, including the Liam Neeson one, Taken (2008). Like Neeson, a former CIA operative hunting down his daughter who is kidnapped by human traffickers for sexual slavery, Rani is a current-day crime branch inspector searching for a teenager who goes missing from a local Mumbai shelter. The young girl Pyaari (Priyanka Sharma) is someone whom Shivani treats like her own niece. Her sole objective in the film is to track down the men who have kidnapped the orphan and blow the lid off their sex racket.

As she engages in a thrilling encounter with the baddie Karan Rastogi (Tahir Raj Bhasin) in Mumbai and later in Delhi, you can sit back and enjoy the action. While there is nothing in the plot that you haven't seen before, it is still watchable for the superb performance of Rani, whose amber-coloured eyes breathe fire when she is packing those punches! And her unabashed use of Hindi expletives like `chut**', `madar*****' should work with the lowest common denominator. The frequent *MCBCs* is the obvious reason for the adults-only tag.

This movie could have continuous recall had the pace been racier. And if you could also buy into the emotional tracks between Shivani and her husband, her niece or her ward. Also, Rani is the only member of the cast with star value. The rest of the actors, including the English-speaking young goon, are inconsequential.

Katiyabaaz Movie review


Cast: Loha Singh
Direction: Deepti Kakkar, Fahad Mustafa
Genre: Documentary
Duration: 1 hour 24 minutes
Story: Katiyabaaz is a moving account of Kanpur's electricity crisis that makes you realise how badly our country needs to reform the system.

Review: When circumstances push you way past your breaking point, can disobeying the law be justified? This conflict lies at the heart of this riveting docu-drama based on real events in Kanpur. Though it predominantly deals with something as serious as 'electricity theft', it never ceases to be a humane drama that is heartbreaking, yet funny at times.

True to the title, the film's (self-proclaimed) 'hero' of sorts is local vigilante Loha Singh, who is a Katiyabaaz, Katiya being the wire used to steal electricity and Katiyabaaz, the expert electricity thief.

Plagued by poverty and power cuts which last for as long as 15 hours a day, Kanpurites prefer paying thieves like Loha to get illegal but instant electricity, as opposed to paying KESCO (Kanpur Electricity Supply Company Limited), which fails to meet their expectations.

On the other hand, due to poor billing and collection standards, lack of funds, soaring demand, inadequate power generation and meter tampering, KESCO has been making heavy losses.

To bring the situation under control, KESCO's MD Ritu Maheshwari tries her best to resolve the long-standing issues and generate revenue. She orders taking serious steps against the perpetrators and during the process, faces multiple challenges. Is there a solution to this rampant problem?

The film draws your attention to the reasons and repercussions of the critical crisis, instead of merely focusing on the illegalities, thus giving you the whole picture. Balanced in its approach, this is one of very few social issue-based films that dares to take sides. A tale of survival was never so poignant and entertaining, all at once.

Sensitively directed, realistically shot,* Katiyabaaz* will make you value the most basic thing your city provides you with, that you often take for granted - *bijli.*

OMG: Deepika chooses Dinoo over Ranveer Singh

I met the gorgeous Deepika Padukone ahead of her upcoming hatke film Finding Fanny in her shooting van for the first time and was taken aback by the interiors. Much like her home, it had a very special Deepika touch to it and looked every bit a girly van, very different from the ones I have seen for other actresses. The sofas and curtains have a dainty flowery print with a lamp and diya lit on the side table. Just as you would expect in a girl's space, there is a running small kitchenette. We sat down over a cup of coffee where she spoke to Bombay Times about her special bond with Dimple Kapadia, her best friend Dinesh Vijan and why marriage may need to wait for a couple of years. Excerpts:

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Bipasha loves being 'crusader of horror' in Bollywood

Bipasha Basu, who has acted in several films in the horror/ super-natural genre, says she is happy being "crusader of horror films" in Bollywood. Bipasha has acted in 'Aatma', 'Raaz, 'Darna Zaroori Hai', 'Rakht', and will next be seen in Vikram Bhatt's 'Creature'. "I am a greedy actor. I want to do good...meaty roles irrespective of the genre. I am happy filmmakers think of me when it comes to horror films. Also, my role in such films has been different and strong. I am happy being the crusader of horror films," Bipasha told in an interview here. The actress, however, thinks the horror genre in India is in the nascent stage.
"Horror genre is not explored much here. This genre is in its nascent stage here in India. There are many interesting things to explore in horror space," she said. But her acting in horror films has not made her immune to fear in the real life. "Even if there is a little noise around me, I get scared," she said. 'Creature', she said, is different from usual ghost, spirit and supernatural films and has a different element of fear. "It is the first Indian creature film being made here, the special effects are done in India. It's a bold step and I am glad I got to be a part of this film. I don't think we made the film thinking it as an answer to Hollywood films like Jurassic Park," Bipasha said. "It was very difficult film for me to shoot initially as I had to imagine the 'Creature'. But Vikram's guidance helped me a lot. We used to do every shot at least three times due to technical reasons," she said.

'Katiyabaaz': A documentary maker challenges mainstream space

The release of an 80-minute documentary on Kanpur's electricity hassles against a big banner Bollywood film didn't seem an alien concept to the makers of 'Katiyabaaz', who were confident of "challenging the mainstream".

Director duo Fahad Mustafa and Deepti Kakkar struggled their way for nearly three years to get a commercial release for Katiyabaaz across almost 50 screens in the country. They now hope the film spreads its light far and wide.

"We are sort of challenging the mainstream. We are trying to compete with the Bollywood space," Mustafa told media in an interview.


Vijay is one actor who always support good cinema and directors, recently the director called Karthik Subbaraj and conveyed his wishes for the wonderful film. Now the latest we hear is that Vijay has visited Parthiepan's house and lauded him for his fantastic direction in Kathai Thiriaikathai Vasanam Iyakkam (KTVI).
Already, KTVI has been declared as a hit and now with Vijay appreciating the film, this film might get the attention of many Vijay fans. Recently, Kathai Thiraikathai Vasanam Iyakkam team arranged for a success meet and thanked media people for their support.
Stay tuned for more updates...


According to reports from Bollywood, Sharukh will be acting in the remake of 1991 Hindi film Hum which had Amitab Bachchan, Rajinikanth and Govinda in lead roles.
It is said that SRK will be reprising Amitabh's role, while Varun Dhawan and Siddarth Malhotra will play Rajinikanth and Govinda roles in Hum remake. Sources say Rohit Shetty of Chennai Express fame will be remaking the film in Hindi.


Looks like Mani Ratnam has dropped his 'Spy thriller' film with Nagarjuna and Mahesh Babu, now the director is said to be opting for a romantic film with Mammotty's son Dulquer Salmaan.
Though buzzes say that Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt to be roped in for this new project, the actress' spokesperson has denied it as rumors. Though Dulquer remains tight lipped about this new project, he has re-tweeted a tweet saying that he has signed a Mani Ratnam's project.
When asked, sources close to Mani Ratnam say that an official information on Mani Ratnam's next will be announced soon.


It is known that CBFC (Censor Board Film Certificate) CEO Rakesh Kumar was arrested by CBI in a bribery case. now the latest is that according to CBI, Rakesh Kumar got an Ipad and laptop to grant U certificate for Anjaan and also to not cut some scenes from the film.
Similarly reports also say that Rakesh Kumar also got RS 50000 bribe for quick screening of Anjaan's Telugu version Sikindar and censored the film. According to CBI, Anjaan team submitted the film on july 24 and Rakesh Kumar examined it for 6 days and issued the certificate on August 5, it is also said that the CEO got bribe on August 1.
Now CBI has taken Rakesh Kumar, agents who helped him and censor board offcials under custody and they will be remanded till September 5.


Superstar fans are eagerly expecting for Lingaa and the film is all set to be released on December 12, here are some interesting tidbits about the film.
1)In Lingaa, Superstar is playing a descendant of Raja family and his dream is to be build a dam for the people of his province.
2)Sonakshi Sinha's character is sketched in such a way that she helps Rajini in tough situations.
3)Radharavi is playing Sonakshi's father in the film and he is playing a crucial role.
4)As per Rajini's request a foreign engineer will come to Rajini's place in the film and his character is sketched like Johm Pennycuick who built the Mullai Periyar dam.
5)in Lingaa there is a punch dialogue, where Rajini says " I don't want Hindu, Christian, Muslim, chettiyar, Nadar or Mudhaliar, people who consider themselves as Indians alone come with me" (Enakku Hindu venam, Muslim venam, Christian venam, chettiyar, nadar, mudhaliar yarum venam, Indian ah irukuravanga matum en kooda vaanga)


According to a buzz in B-town, Shamitabh's story is said to an unique plot. Sources say that Dhanush play a mute guy in the film and his aim is to become a big star in Bollywood, later some of the directors are impressed with his acting and they ask Ambitabh to dub for Dhanush. At one point of time a ego clash break out between Dhanush and Ambitabh over the success of Dhanush, Amitabh thinks that his voice is the major reason while Dhanush's character think that his acting is the major reason, what happens next? form the major crux of the story.
Shamitabh also has Akshara Haasan and six Bollywood directors' cameo in the film. Yesterday, the team has completed the talkie portions and only songs are left to be shot.
Shamitabh is slated for February 6 release.

Friday, 22 August 2014


Lyricist Kabilan has penned three songs in Shankar's Ai. For one of these songs, he recalls writing the lyrics in the plane and on one of the peaks in Kodaikanal.
On asking him to reveal his experience of writing the song, Kabilan says "Writing a song with director Shankar is a comfortable thing to do. At first, he told me the situation at which the song would be placed in the movie. Following that, he explained the locations in which the song would be shot, and the costumes the lead pair would be wearing for the song, through the internet."
Kabilan said that Shankar wanted this particular song in the film to be written at a reasonable height. Therefore, they started to Kodaikanal via a flight to Madurai. The pallavi of the song was completed in the flight itself, after which the duo moved to a scenic spot at the hillstation. "It is a top level track. It has to be written at the top only." were the witty words of Shankar while penning this song.
Kabilan guaranteed that this song would be one of the chartbusters of 2014. Anirudh has crooned for another song in the album, which also has lyrics by Kabilan.


A case has been filed in Chennai High Court to ban under eighteen(age) heroines like Lakshmi Menon, Thulasi and Karthika who came to the industry when their age is below 18. The petitioner has stated that these under 18 age heroines get affected psychologically and even some of them are facing sexual abuse.
Today the honourable Judges Sanjay Kishan and M Sathya Narayanan have dismissed the petition by saying that each individual is ambitious about their life and they have chosen a platform, court can interfere in their personal affairs.

Rohit Shetty to direct 'Ram Lakhan' remake

Filmmaker Karan Johar is set to produce the remake of Subhash Ghai's 1989 film 'Ram Lakhan' in association with the latter's Mukta Arts. Hit director Rohit Shetty has been roped in to helm the project. "Here's the big announcement! Rohit Shetty & Karan Johar, in association with Mukta Arts, present RAM LAKHAN in 2016," read a message from the official Twitter handle of Karan's Dharma Productions, Friday.